Spelling mistake in name or email address

If you have made a spelling mistake in a name or the email in your booking, don't worry – you have several options to change it.

Changes are only allowed if none of the flights in the booking have been taken. You may change up to 2 hours before the departure of the first flight. Remember, the name on your boarding pass must be the same as the name on your ID document.

If you want to change the name of a passenger, check here to see your options.

Changing other details:

Regardless of when you do it, you can make the following changes free of charge by calling our Customer Services Centre:

  • Translation of the first name: e.g. Jordi to Jorge or vice versa.
  • Passenger's surname/name reversal.
  • Adding the second surname.
  • Changing a middle name or including it as a surname.
  • Correct the contact email for your booking.
  • Add a compound name: first/middle name, as long as the surnames do not change.
  • If the reason for the change is a legal matter and provided that the passenger submits the corresponding documentation:
    • Surname reversal: if after make the booking a passenger reverses their surnames.
    • Change of surname due to change in civil status: if after making the booking a passenger changes their surname (reverting to maiden name for example).
    • Change of name due to change of gender identity: if after making the booking the passenger changes their name because they have changed their gender identity.

Please note: it is not possible to add a first surname.

Please note that if you have taken out travel insurance with XCover, as well as making the change with Vueling, you will need to go to the XCover website and update the name on the policy.


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