In accordance with Regulation 185/2010, you can only carry as hand luggage containers holding liquids, aerosols and gels with a capacity up to 100 ml, which must be placed inside a transparent bag with a maximum capacity of 1000 ml (1 liter) or equivalent and which is completely sealable. Only one bag per passenger is allowed.
If you are travelling with a baby, inside your hand luggage you can carry all the food your baby will need for the journey (without exceeding the hand luggage allowance: 55x40x20 cm and 10 kg), including baby food or purées. The capacity of the food container can be more than 100 ml and does not need to be sealed.
It is also permitted to carry diet products, medication (liquids or semi-solids) to be used on board, as well as necessary medical instruments such as syringes, for which you should provide a certificate of authenticity at security when required.
You can take on board liquids bought at airport shops providing they are duly carried in approved and sealed security bags, along with the receipt to prove they were purchased at the airport. Do not open the security bags until arrival at your final destination.
The abovementioned restrictions on carrying liquids do not affect checked luggage.