Cancelled flights

If you have received an email informing you of the cancellation of your flight, please follow the steps in the email or access your booking. If you have already requested a refund, please follow the steps in the email you received after making the request.

Alternative transport or refund

In all cases of cancellation, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Full ticket price refund within max 7 days of application via the booked payment method for the untaken flight(s) and the taken flight(s) if the flight no longer fits the original travel plan, plus, if applicable, a return flight to the first departure point as soon as is possible. Ask for it through our Customer Service Centre.
  • Re-routing, under comparable transport conditions, to your final destination as soon as possible.
  • Re-routing, under comparable conditions, to your final destination on later date convenient for passenger, subject to seat availability.

Likewise, if you choose alternative transportation that will take you to your final destination as soon as possible, you will also have the right to receive assistance. In addition, we will offer you compensation, as long as the cancellation is not caused by extraordinary circumstances.


Flight distance and/or destination Compensation
Up to 1500 km
Between 1500 and 3500 km for flights outside the EU 400,00
More than 1500 km for flights within the EU 400,00
More than 3500 km for flights outside the EU 600,00

The easiest way to request it is through our website.

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